The Dieter’s Dilemma – How to Stay Full in a Caloric Deficit | Syatt Fitness

I saw this article and was inspired to go grocery shopping, in the hopes that I could eat my way through this not-quite diet:

The Dieter’s Dilemma – How to Stay Full in a Caloric Deficit | Syatt Fitness.

Indomie Mie Goreng Kriuuk

Indomie Mie Goreng Kriuuk (Photo credit: Wikipedia) – the motivation for my next trip to Indonesia!

So I tried to be good yesterday, and loaded my lunchbox with lettuce, red and yellow peppers, honey tomatoes, grilled pesto chicken breast, some croutons and nuts, squeezed a lemon over it and packed my decaf nespresso kosong.

Then I dutifully munched my way through the very colourful salad, all through a lecture on taxation. By the end of the lecture, I was full, but sadly not satisfied.

So when I got home I made myself a yummy bowl of indomie goreng. Mmmmm….

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